Personal Playlist by Iris (6 June 2016)


So much (new) music out there, and I wish I had the time to review them all! Well, see this playlist as some sort of mini album review list! Here are some albums I’m recently listening to…

41BOuGYOLVLI’m sorry, I just can’t get enough of Frost*! I’m ‘rediscovering’ their previous albums again; Milliontown which was released back in 2006, and Experiments In Mass Appeal which was released in 2008. Something I call ‘powerprog’, because the music contains so much energy, surprising elements and heavy… stuff, things, whateveryounameit! Just AAAAAHHH THIS BAND IS SO GOOD I CAN’T SHUT UP ABOUT IT!! That… If you haven’t heard any of their music yet… Then you SHOULD! Go listen now! Do it! Now!experiments-in-mass-appeal-527b85aa0397b Yes! Not later, do it now! Now! Yes, go click on their name so you can go to their website! Good boy! I know you will like it! By the way, if you haven’t read my review about their latest album Falling Satellites, go click here (and click here to read/listen to the interview I had with Frost*‘s Jem Godfrey)


coverOk… Now back to being serious *cough cough cough*. Nine Stones Close released a beautiful album this year, named Leaves. This album is a ‘grower’, the first time I listened to it I was like “Hmmm, yes, this is very good, but not what I actually expected…”. I need to give this album a lot more spins to form my opinion. Sir Duke, aka Prog Beawr, wrote a comprehensive review about this album, and I recommend to check his review:


12074703_10154044883965439_726321553244053807_nTime now for some YES… Oh wait, NO! I mean Jon Anderson and Roine Stolt! Jon and Roine made an album together named Invention Of Knowledge, and I can assure you; if you’re a fan of Yes (and probably also The Flower Kings), then this album is a must have! Their album will be released at the end of June this year, and I hope to have my review finished by then too!


circa-valleyofthewindmillTalking about Yes, there are some other (ex) Yes members who are about to release an album this month as well… Or next month, I forgot! The band CIRCA: (with Tony Kaye and Billy Sherwood) are about to release their album named Valley Of The Windmill. You can hear some Yes influences in this album, and the music is very catchy. An album that’s on repeat in my playlist for sure! I hope I have time to give this album a proper review as well!


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7 thoughts on “Personal Playlist by Iris (6 June 2016)

  1. Neil Sharp

    Great choices Iris, and I like you can’t get enough Frost* The Philidelphia Experiment is a great live album too.
    Of course looking forward to Jon and Roine, I hope they tour this album. X

    Liked by 1 person

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