Anima Mundi, Live at Musicon Den Haag, 18 June 2016


This would be the first time I would see the band Anima Mundi perform, so I was really curious how the band would play live. I arrived an hour before the gig would start, and the band was still busy with their sound check. Sadly there were big problems during the sound check because of technical difficulties that couldn’t be solved correctly, so there was a big chance that the sound would cause some trouble this evening. Luckily the band members themselves did a wonderful performance, despite the technical problems with the sound. Continue reading

Progcity Festival, Musicon Den Haag, 28 May 2016


After a wonderful first edition of Progcity Festival (you can read my review of the first edition here) it was only a matter of time when the second edition would be held. Organizer Gert-Jan van Middelkoop had two bands lined up I’ve never seen perform live before; the Dutch band Profuna Ocean and German band Ashby. I know Profuna Ocean’s music (I reviewed their latest album In Vacuum, you can read the review here), but I never heard any music from Ashby. While Profuna Ocean had played a couple of times before at Musicon, Ashby was playing their first ever gig in The Netherlands. Continue reading

An update from your shaving reporter! Interviews, interviews and more interviews!


Yay! Time for my Sunday blog post again! I have so much news, I hope I don’t forget some important things I would like to share with you guys… Continue reading

A small update from your roving reporter again!


Hey hey, ‘sme with an update! I will be at Progcity Festival tonight in Den Haag! Come and say hi! I’m busy charging my camera batteries, trying to finish writing some reviews and also watching some Roland Garros from time to time before I head off to Progcity.

Don’t forget to tune in at House of Prog tomorrow for my interviews I had with Nick Barrett of Pendragon and John Young of Lifesigns! Click for more info about the show here!

A big hug!

Iris, aka Ier!

ProgCity Festival, Musicon Den Haag, 14 November 2015


You wouldn’t tell this was just the first edition of ProgCity Festival. Once I entered the venue the ambiance was great. Everything was well organized and the sound-checks between the bands were smooth and fast in my opinion. A big thumbs-up for Gert-Jan van Middelkoop and everyone who worked at Musicon that day. Three Dutch bands were scheduled for this evening: Infinite Mind, Armed Cloud and Cartographer. I’ve seen Armed Cloud during ProgFrog Festival not so long ago and really enjoyed their performance back then (you can find the review of ProgFrog Festival here). I was extra curious about Infinite Mind and Cartographer because I had never seen them perform live. Continue reading